The chiller wasn’t large enough

I was in charge of securing cooling for our big warehouse within a certain price point; I looked around online plus talked to different Heating and A/C companies plus had no luck.

I couldn’t find anything powerful enough in our price range, however this is how I fell down the rabbit hole of chiller rentals.

Industrial chiller rentals are not that expensive plus the company takes care of everything. They supplied the chiller, installed it plus performed maintenance on it when needed. I truly was excited thinking I was getting such a large cooling plan for a deal, well I should have asked a few questions plus figured out the dimensions chillers can handle. I realized suddenly that 1 chiller wasn’t nice enough. The warehouse was not nearly cool enough; Chillers toil by the flow of cold water running through the system. I figured I would increase water flow to increase the amount of AC, then apparently this is a large no no in the chiller world. Turns out I was making the cooling plan less effective plus costing the supplier more money. I ended up calling the company plus complaining. They then told me I am demanding too much from the chiller plus should have bought several, now I am in too deep plus will need to get another low temperature chiller added to the warehouse. At this point I am wondering if I am saving money with chiller rentals? I have been so stuipd about how I operate it that I assume I am losing money, and maybe numerous devices will get everything back in order.


chiller rentals near me