The Ductwork Had Holes in It

All summer, I had been noticing that an section of our home was warmer than others. It was the guest living room which rarely got used, however it was still noticeable whenever I walked in. Every time I crossed the threshold into the guest living room, I noticed a difference in temperature, although I assumed it was something to do with the sun. There were a lot of windows in the living room which let in a lot of natural sunroom. I assumed the sun was heating the room to a warmer temperature. I decided to close the curtains to block out the extra sunlight, however that still didn’t help lower the temperature. Upon noticing this, I decided to hire an Heating plus A/C supplier to come look at our AC system. If the natural sun wasn’t heating the guest living room, there had to be an issue with the AC system. The Heating plus A/C worker that came, took a look at everything plus I was prepared for him to tell myself and others that something needed to be repaired within the AC equipment. What he certainly said shocked me. According to him, the air duct linking to the guest living room’s air vent had many holes in it, so the cool air was escaping before it made it through the vent. There were so many holes plus some of them quite large, so I needed to replace that portion of the air duct instantly. Thankfully, I didn’t need to replace all of the existing air duct or that could have gotten extravagant.

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