The Furnace That Froze Us

Furnaces are supposed to keep homes warm right? Well, that wasn’t’ the case for us one winter.

My dad always liked to do his own odd jobs around the house.

He was usually pretty handy, but of course, he would never admit when he didn’t know what he was doing or actually messed something up. One chilly fall night my dad decided that he needed to get the furnace ready for winter. Our heating and cooling system were in one unit, so he had to tweak it to move it was the cool air to warm air.He started down to the basement with his tool bag and wasn’t down there long before we heard a loud noise under the house. It was the sound of heater kicking on and for a minute we were all relieved. That feeling didn’t last long because it soon started blowing cold air. We all yelled down to my dad, but he said he already knew and was working on it. Hours went by and we were soon layered in warm clothes and under blankets.My dad finally decided he wasn’t going to be able to fix it. He called the local HVAC company and they agreed to send someone to our home to help. A friendly HVAC expert came to the home and spent a few minutes in the basement. Of course, my dad was hovering over his shoulder. We were all still freezing upstairs. Eventually, the HVAC technician was able to get the heater working and the house warmed up after a few hours. We don’t let dad work on the HVAC system anymore.



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