The hotel at the baseball tournament was super weird

The hotel with the baseball tournament that we went to this past weekend was super weird.

I have never seen a hotel that has more eco-friendly things in it.

I mean, I feel like the whole thing was powered by the sun, and I know that’s a good thing. However, when you are trying to cool off in the air conditioning and the air conditioning won’t even stay on, that’s when it becomes a problem. That’s what happened in our hotel room this weekend. The temperature outside was really hot all weekend long. I think that the temperature was probably in the mid 90s by 11 o’clock in the morning, and it was really muggy outside too. When you’re outside sitting in the sun and playing baseball, that means that you are in for a miserable day. The only thing that I could think about while my son was playing in the tournament was getting back to the room so that we could sit down and relax in the air conditioning for a while. So imagine our surprise when we got back to the room after our first game and we found that the room was hot and stuffy because the eco-friendly air conditioning had turned off while we were gone! Apparently, the room started heating up about 20 minutes after we had left that morning and by the time we got back, the temperature was about 80 degrees inside of the room. Of course, we turned the A/C on immediately when we got there, but by the time the room really started cooling off again, it was time to go to our next game!

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