The poor kids

It is never a superb method to formulate disadvantage opinions about a situation or person, when you don’t fully understand it.

People (including me!) complain about all kinds of things which they claim is unnecessary and superficial, simply because they may cause some minor inconvenience.

It would be so much better if people were to take the time to find out the reasons behind a certain action or situation. I had to do a double take when I heard of the recent death of various newborns because of the spread of germs in a hospital. Apparently, certain routine hygiene practises were not noticed by staff members. Added to this the Heating & Air Conditioning method was a bit off and not maintaining the required low temperatures. I must confess to being one of those persons consistently harping on about the low temperatures in hospitals. Most of them are colder than Alaska and I undoubtedly hate the cold. Little did I know, though, that if the Heating & Air Conditioning component does not maintain these temperatures, disaster can result. There is a legitimate reason for having the temperatures so low, namely – it helps to kill germs. Even though I was not personally involved in the upset passing of those little tykes, I still guess kind of guilty about criticizing hospitals for the low temperatures their Heating & Air Conditioning units supply, however being who I am, I will not promise never to find fault with hospital air quality again. Promises should not be broken. Still, I will consistently remember to wear a jacket to be able to better handle the effects of hospital Heating & Air Conditioning.


air duct