The portable AC unit worked out great

When it was getting closer to the holidays last year, my wife mentioned getting a small portable AC unit to keep in the kitchen while we cook.

Most people don’t have to worry about the heat and humidity during the holidays, but down south it’s still pretty warm and muggy at that time of the year.

I looked at a lot of different portable AC units and some of the models were on sale because it was already after the end of the summer season. A few of the base models were priced cheaper than some of the larger regular window AC units, so I decided to try out one of the portable units. I didn’t know what to expect from the cooling machine, but there were relatively good reviews online. When the machine arrived, it took some time to set things up. There were a couple of different parts that had to be put together, but it really wasn’t that difficult to figure out. The pieces of installation that they gave to me fit well in the window that I chose. While my wife and her sister were making Thanksgiving dinner, everyone had the portable AC running and it was much more cool and comfortable inside of the kitchen. I could feel the difference too. Usually I want to stay out of the kitchen because it is so hot and crowded. On game day, I didn’t mind going in to spend some time with my wife and help baste the turkey. Thanksgiving was perfect and the kitchen and dining room were cool and comfortable for everyone.


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