They convinced us we wanted it

Our kid has been having a bit of an issue of late.  He has been trying to get into shape because the medical professional told him that he needed to lose weight.  His work schedule is such that he has difficulty getting to the local gym when it is open and his eating schedule is horrible. He gets off work at eleven at evening, goes home, eats brunch and goes right to sleep.  None of this helps him in his goal to get into shape. He can’t change is work schedule, so, the two of us decided to at least try and help him out with the exercise section of the whole thing. While he was at work, my husband met with the salesperson from the local athletic shop.  They sell all sorts of beach house gym device and he figured the two of us could set up something in our son’s basement. This way, he wouldn’t have to worry about gym memberships, hours, or even traveling to the gym to workout. The salesperson’s only problem was the size of the space.  He has a rather small room in the basement and much of the device was too large. He did say that he knew of a guy that could create a custom weight bench that would fit along the 1 wall and that would leave enough area for a small elliptical too. The man had done work for their store in the past and was a welder by trade.  All of us liked that program and my husband contacted him the next afternoon. All of us hope to surprise our kid with his finished workout area next month for his anniversary. All of us guess that it will help him in his efforts to lose weight and be healthier too.

traditional excellence at home