Ventilation fans help spread the HVAC air flow

That just couldn’t be! He told me that there were some interior walls added after the HVAC was initially designed

I love when confusing problems are solved with the simplest of solutions. This is one of the things that really makes me smile. And that’s because I tend to be one of those people who make a challenge into a complex problem. I wish I didn’t but that seems to be my nature. I’m sort of a default over thinker I suppose. When it came to an HVAC puzzle in my house, I leapt to all sorts of other conclusions when the easy fix was right in front of me. When we bought our house, it didn’t take long to notice that one of the rooms was not getting the same amount of HVAC comfort as the others. Initially, this was to be my oldest daughter’s room but ended up being a hardly ever used guest room. This room was too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. I of course went the route or an HVAC problem and that we were sold a bad HVAC unit. It was the only explanation that made any sense to me. My wife told me to relax about it since it only effected one room. But of course, I couldn’t let it go. So I had the HVAC people come out to test and inspect the HVAC system. After a thorough inspection of both the system and our house, the HVAC tech said it wasn’t the HVAC. That just couldn’t be! He told me that there were some interior walls added after the HVAC was initially designed. The HVAC tech told me it was an easy fix using room to room ventilation fans to move the air around more evenly. Well, of course it was that simple.

a/c tune up