Web building was not our forte, but it was our brother's.

My brother was a whiz when it came to web building.

Of course, he should have been more than a whiz because he went to school for web creation, then after four years in university, he was able to help me create our website and get it running! I was loath to ask him for his help when he first came home from university, then when we were growing up he was always a bit of a stuffed shirt, then he was stingy not only with his currency, but with this time.

He thought that since I wasn’t going to university, I was beneath him, and he made it quite clear that was how he felt! Now however, I owned an Heating and Air Conditioning supplier that was doing quite well. I just wanted to create a website that would help me to grow even more. I felt there was a lot of information that I could impart our clients through the website. When our wifey was talking to our sibling-in-law, she told her how I was trying to build a website for our Heating and Air Conditioning supplier; She asked our wifey why I had not spoken to her partner, our brother, and asked for his help, but my wifey was unsure how to answer, so she said that I undoubtedly hadn’t thought about it. I thanked her for being so diplomatic with her answer, to which she simply laughed, but the next morning I called our brother and asked for his help with our website. Thanks to his web building skills, we are now working together. He runs all of our online advertising campaigns and maintains our website, while I run the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier.