Why I hate camping

The great outdoors.

Reattaching with nature.

The feeling of the ground beneath your feet. Sleeping beneath a clear night sky. Silence. Peace….no air conditioner. Hi there. If all of that sounds appealing to you, let’s not make plans. I have to tell you- plus I know it’s a honestly unpopular opinion- I honestly don’t care at all for or about camping. I get the appeal, I listed them all above. I just don’t understand why, for some folks, it’s worth giving up the miracle technology of climate control. I rely so heavily on climate control plus I just cannot imagine wanting- on purpose- to leave heating plus air conditioner behind to go sleep outside. If outside is so great, why do we have inside? I’m just saying. I know I’m going to get a lot of comments talking to me about how there are more important things than climate control and, while I guess that you guess that, I humbly disagree. In my opinion, there are honestly few things that are more important- on a material level- than climate control. Reattaching with nature can be done on a hike. I can nap in a hammock. Why do I have to go through days plus weeks of torture to appreciate these things when I can appreciate them with my superb Heating in addition to A/C system just a short trek away? Maybe you completely disagree with me. If so, please explain why camping is better than air conditioner. Please. I’ve heard a lot of people say the same thing plus I just honestly don’t get it. I appreciate my climate control. I’m willing to be convinced differently, just know that I’m skeptical.


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