Winter is not friendly to the elderly

It seems that every time I get a message from certain groups anymore, they are worried about the elderly and how well they are surviving during the winter.

I wonder if they are hinting that I am getting older and people should be keeping an eye on me.

I would be so upset if my kids were constantly calling to see if I was warm. Maybe they already saw the article on checking on the elderly and your elderly parents. My son called out of the blue, to ask if I had enough firewood for my fireplace. He was calling while sitting outside my home, with a truckload of firewood. He asked me if I had my furnace serviced this year. He also offered to change our air filter while he was here. I never gave much thought to the suddenness of his visit, since I really love seeing him. After he left, my husband asked what had prompted the firewood delivery and the offer to change the air filter. I told him that maybe he just had a day off. I kind of doubted this since a lot of people were getting their furnaces ready for winter. He was the owner of a HVAC company and he had people to take care of. Why did he worry and take a day off to check up on us? He even inspected our furnace while he was in the house. I’m not going to question him too much, but it wouldn’t surprise me if our getting older didn’t prompt the visit and the firewood.


HVAC duct