Defrosting the window

I finally found the solution to all my problems, a snow melt system. I live in the north and snow comes down in feet rather than inches. The windchill and ice are terrible. Most of the time the weather gets to be in the teens and can even turn into the negatives. Needless to say, there is a lot of snow and cold going on for a long time. Because of this, most people have garages to keep their cars so they are heated before work. I don’t own a garage. For a long time I would need to shovel a path in the snow to reach my car. I then would need to brush off the feet of snow from the car. Then I would turn on the car heater to defrost the window. I would then need to wait for the car heating system to warm everything up before I pull away. It was around a 20-30 minute process before going to work. Now that I have invested in a snow melt system, all those problems are gone. I have a boiler system in my house. I just had piping hooked to the boiler and installed in my driveway. Black top goes over top and now I have heated floors outside. I turn on the heater and this ensures I have heating out front. The heating system melts all the snow and ice. I never have to shovel a path. Also the heating system warms my car because it is sitting on top of it. No chipping away ice or waiting to leave in the morning.

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