Finally updating the HVAC technology at home

Okay, so I’m not right on top of all the tech trends.

Actually, I tend to be dragged into the tech trends a bit reluctantly.

I don’t know if that’s a result of my age or whether it’s due to my feelings of being overwhelmed a bit by tech. The past 20 years has seen an unprecedented explosion in electronic technology. And the heating and cooling equipment is not exempt. Of course, advanced HVAC technology has given us SEER ratings on HVAC equipment that triple what we had 20 years ago. That’s great for the earth and for utility bills. But there are other things that I just wasn’t willing to immediately embrace when it came to HVAC technology. Namely, I wasn’t ready to go with the smart thermostat. Perhaps my reluctance can be blamed on the fact that I had to work so hard to figure out how to program the digital thermostat. That could certainly be part of the equation. However, I think another large factor was that I just didn’t feel that having the smart thermostat would really enhance our lives all that much. Well, when I’m wrong, I’m wrong. And on the smart thermostat, I was way off. Finally, I had the HVAC company come out to install a smart thermostat in our home. It’s been two months since that happened and I couldn’t be more pleased with the smart thermostat. Not only do I not have to worry about it one bit, it’s saving me all kinds of money. Granted, our winters are mild but I just can’t wait to see how much the smart thermostat saves us in the coming summer.

indoor air quality