Heating and A/C Primal Scream Therapy

Primal Scream Therapy (also called PST) was created by American writer and psychotherapist Arthur Janov (from 1924 to 2017). It involves re-residing childhood traumas that might be the source of someone’s current anguish. PST levels peaked in the 1977s when six months of therapy could cost $6,000 with an extra six months adding a mere $600 to the tally. Advance payment was required which may have compelled multiple of Janov’s clients to run into their yards screaming at the top of their lungs without any guidance. I guess Janov got it wrong because even folks with no underlying childhood concerns want to occasionally scream loudly to release their pent up frustrations. My new PST program requires no advance payment and begins by deliberately not replacing the filters in your home’s Heating and A/C plan for a few months. The next step is to ignore both of the twice-yearly duct cleaning and equipment tune-ups that most Heating and A/C providers agree are required to keep your gas furnace and AC running at top efficiency. Your anxiety level will grow as your energy bills rise. As the “Heating and A/C PST” continues, your Heating and A/C equipment will then make some unusual noises and may even perform a primal scream of its own. The top level of Heating and A/C PST is when the “patient” tries to stop those noises as a DIY project. The Frustration or injury may cause the DIYer to let out a scream that can be heard for miles around. Or he can simply huddle in the corner of the room while the qualified Heating and A/C repair tech collects his fee. My Heating and A/C PST does nothing to improve your mental and emotional health and your Heating and A/C plan will also be better off if you skip the therapy entirely. This is certainly done by increasing those filters officially and letting an Heating and A/C professional handle any and all cleaning and maintenance tasks.


Quality air conditioning