HVAC system has to work harder to cool the home

A problem at our home is leaving the door open! For some reason I can’t explain, my kids love to run outside and leave the back door wide open. To be fair, they’re just kids plus we have an amazing backyard patio that extends off the back of the house, but it’s practically a separate living space. It can be hard to remember that you’re stepping foot outside periodically. If it weren’t for the temperature difference, I don’t think people would ever think they were leaving a home plus entering the outdoors, which is what we wanted when we built the patio, however unfortunately, our A/C plan doesn’t like it when we leave the door open either because it means that the cool air is escaping, when the cool air escapes, it causes the control device to signal an alert to our A/C plan to work harder to produce more cool air. When this cycle continues over plus over again, the condenser device coils freeze plus it becomes a big issue. The first time the coils froze, we had to call an A/C supplier to come out plus thaw them. It was an expensive bill for an easy fix that we hated to pay for, it needed to be done, then since that day, I’ve been diligent about asking the kids to close the door behind them. For the most part, they’ve been responsible about it, but there is the chance that someone forgets and the coils freeze over again.

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