I had more repairs than I had hoped

This whole week has been a disappointing week for me, our friends & family are trying to cheer myself and others up, then they say, cheer up it’s just a disappointing afternoon but how do you cheer up when it’s not just a single afternoon but an entire week? It first started with a confrontation that I had with our boss at work, all of us normally get along pretty well but a difference of opinion on how things should be done caused a bit of an argument, then as if a single argument wasn’t enough I ended up having a further argument later that afternoon with our partner, all of us had wanted to go out to lunch but all of us couldn’t agree on which venue to go; One of our preferred steakhouses wasn’t superb enough for her, she has complaining that she didn’t like the indoor air temperature, she said that she doesn’t understand how I could breathe in that air & that they clearly have disappointing indoor air conditions, now this week is Thursday & the week is only 2 mornings away from ending, I have found more disappointing news! My heating system stopped laboring, & of course as if our advantage couldn’t get any worse it happened in the fall… I suppose it could be worse if it were to chop in the winter. I have an older oil gas furnace that under normal circumstances is genuinely reliable but as recently had been making strange noises & has been having trouble powering on, then even though it wasn’t what I wanted, I suppose that I hadhave to call the local Heating & Air Conditioning supplier & have them send out a heating & AC professional to maintenance our heater. I’m going to have to since I cannot go without heat while in the winter, however hopefully by the time this week is over it will be fixed & all this disappointing advantage will be only a disappointing memory.

