I started changing out my filters more often

Last year, I ended up buying a dog.

I had always wanted a dog since I was a child, but I was never allowed to get one for multiple reasons.

One was because my brother was allergic. And two was because my parents thought I couldn’t handle the responsibility. While I will admit, I was not known for being responsible at all when I was a child, but since I am very passionate about helping animals, I know that owning a dog would have been something I would have taken very seriously. Unfortunately, my parents never relented, so I never did get a dog until I moved out on my own. Not long after buying the dog, I went two an adoption event and ended up adopting two kittens that I fell in love with. My dog and my kittens were such a blast to have around, and it made me feel a lot less lonely during the day. Then I noticed my cooling unit was having issues, and I wasn’t sure why. Nothing had changed, and I treated the air conditioner the exact same way. I didn’t worry too much, until my cooling system was turning itself on and off. I had to call a professional cooling technician out, and she quickly found the issue. She told me that I would need to change out my air filters far more often, because of all of my new pets. With the new pets comes lots of fur, and the fur was helping to clog my HVAC system. Thankfully this was a very easy fix.

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