I wanted to clean out the air ducts myself

I wanted to save myself some money and clean the air ducts out in my house myself instead of calling the HVAC company. I don’t know why I always have these delusions of grandeur where I always feel like I’m going to be able to do things that professionals do, but I always try to save money by doing stuff like that on my own. I really need to just spring for service professionals like plumbers, electricians, and HVAC technicians, but I’m just really cheap most of the time. I don’t know why that is. It’s just the way that I am for some reason. Anyway, I decided that I was going to clean out the air ducts in the house myself, even though I had no clue what I was doing. I think I read somewhere about some guy cleaning out his own air ducts and doing a good job at it, but apparently I’m not exactly coordinated enough to do it the way that he did. See, I decided that I was going to start out upstairs and when I took my step ladder up there to unscrew the air vent covers, I ended up tripping over the ladder and whacking my head on the heat register down on the baseboard in the hallway. Let me tell you, I felt like a complete idiot. When my wife got home and saw the giant knot on my forehead I had to tell her what happened And that made me feel so stupid. She just rolled her eyes and told me to get on the phone and call the HVAC company like I should have done to begin with. She is always telling me that I am way too cheap.

Heater technician