It's 74 degrees outside why are my feet cold?

They say that once you turn fifty everything goes downhill.

  • I’m not sure that I agree with that statement because at fifty five I am easily enjoying life.

There are some noticeable fluctuations but that have started to get my attention. I can no longer spend all afternoon at work plus then go out at night with friends because normally by nine I am ready for bed. I believe one of the things that bothers me most is my lack of ability to handle temperature change. When I was younger the heat of Summer or even the frigid of winter time did not bother me much, but now they have both become a major issue. I know that part of this is just a natural order of aging however I have some troubles that I need to see a physician about. One of the main troubles is the fact that no matter how sizzling it is outside, my feet are consistently frigid… Be even bought a warming mattress pad so that I could heat up the bed before I go to sleep at night just to keep my feet from aching. I’ve also been known to turn on a portable heating system underneath my desk in the Summer time to sizzling my feet plus that just does not seem normal. My partner worries that it is lack of circulation that is causing my feet to feel so frigid plus I need to get that checked out. I cannot depend on having a portable heating system with me all the time plus I legitimately don’t want to wear wool socks all Summer long.

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