Need advanced air filtration for grandpa’s farts

The older I get the more I appreciate all of the time that I get to spend with my loved ones.

You never realize how finite life is until people start dropping off.

When I lost my dad I knew that I needed to be more grateful with the time that I was allowed to spend with my other family members. That’s why I have been reflecting a lot on the time that I have spent with my grandfather in the past few years. We have had some great days together and he has taught me a lot about his life. Unfortunately, he’s also taught me a lot about indoor air quality through an unpleasant measure. I would be more than happy to learn about central heating, cooling, and air quality control systems if my grandfather was a certified HVAC technician who wanted to provide some air quality control knowledge before he left the planet. I actually would be very enthused to know how my air conditioner and forced air furnace worked on a daily basis. Hell, I would even love to know about air purification devices and air filters to remove indoor airborne pollution and unpleasant odors… I just didn’t want to learn about these air purification measures in the way that it came up. Namely, through experiencing my grandfather’s horrible farts every time I went to visit him. I have never endured such horrible indoor air as when I spent time with my grandpa. On every visit I was so disturbed by the terrible smells that I actually started learning about air filters and air quality measures… But it was to remove his noxious odors from the environment.


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