Pay attention to the Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment outside

I’m typically around the Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment that is in our house.

The air handler as well as blower are inside our garage.

And of course, there is the thermostat that sits inside the house. I come into contact as well as am seeing these pieces of Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment on just about a bi-weekly. So I pay pretty close attention to them. I make sure the drip tray under the air handler is mostly dry. The thermostat I’m dealing with on almost a bi-weekly basis. We don’t have a smart thermostat. So I deal with the digital thermostat. Since I work from home, that’s not particularly all that huge a deal. But the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cabinet outside is something I just need to pay more attention to. That goes for our fiance as well. She will be pulling weeds as well as throw a tarp over the top of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cabinet. I’ve reminded her that is a good way to choke out the Heating as well as Air Conditioning unit. But the Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment outside also needs our attention. That’s what I’m going to do our best to get better about. I have a sort of weekly routine when I change the Heating as well as Air Conditioning air filter so I’m going to add the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cabinet to it. Mainly, it’s all about making sure there are no obstructions in order for the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cabinet to breathe. So that’s weeds or any other debris that gets in the grate or the fins. I also appreciate to vacuum out the drip line with a shop vac a couple of times per year. A healthy Heating as well as Air Conditioning cabinet is vital to the rest of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning unit.

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