Reminiscing about the steam boiler we had back in the day

Before the onset of summer or winter is the best time to call in a heating technician for heating maintenance. If your electric heater broke down at night on a very cold night one can simply add an extra blanket to keep warm, but during the summer it’s a whole different ball game. Some places are so hot even during the night and if your electric heating system is not cooling your home you will end up having a very long night especially if you do not have a portable fan on standby. My daughter and my grandchild moved back in with us during the spring. She felt inadequate to take care of her daughter at the time but at the same time, she did not want to be away from her so I suggested she move in with us for a while. When she moved in, she went to the nearest heating provider to check out the HVAC products for sale. She bought a HEPA filter because her daughter was allergic to dust, scents, and other such allergens. This combined electric heat pump would ensure high air quality in the house. Since it was in spring we did not reset the wireless thermostat until summer kicked in. One night we were going through old photos and she reminded me of the noisy steam boiler we had when she was young. The heat pump install ran a lot more quietly than what we had back then. We were so used to the noise that we only had the HVAC professional install new heating equipment when it finally broke down. The HVAC serviceman could not believe that the boiler was almost as old as he was. He even made a joke about us having learned all kinds of energy-saving tips because we survived with it that long.

heating and air conditioning