Switching to an electric heating system

When a house is old and still in good condition it is said to have character and history but when it comes to an old steam boiler the same does not apply.

Nobody had any particular attachments to the old and noisy boiler.

Not only is a heating technician who specializes in such a system rare but it is an outdated type of home heating and it was time to switch to new heating equipment. It was time for change and an electric heat pump was the way to go. With an electric heater, I would not have to worry about having to find a specific HVAC serviceman for simple heater maintenance since an electric heating system is not as complex as the other and almost all HVAC professionals are conversant with it. Among the HVAC products for sale that I had seen, I wanted a HEPA filter to improve indoor air quality and a wireless thermostat that would make it easier to implement most of the energy-saving tips. This would mean that my energy cost would reduce even with gas being cheaper than electricity. The heat pump install would also act as a whole-home heating and cooling system. It would also give us some quiet because with the other system you would often hear as if someone is banging the pipes in the basement. When the system was finally installed we were amazed as to how quiet our home felt, we were so used to the noise that no one remembered what quiet felt like until after the installation. This was one of the best home improvements we had made yet.

HEPA filter