The air filter needs to be cleaned yearly in the desert

My partner as well as I are living in the desert for the first time in our lives.

We started traveling across the country a few weeks ago as well as the two of us finally hit the desert last week.

It’s a lot hotter here than the many of us originally expected. We had to buy a portable AC device to help with the heat. I am thankful there is no humidity. My partner as well as I were previously living in a region with awful humidity. I would rather have 100 degrees with no humidity than 85 degrees with 90% humidity. Still, the heat is awful when you have no trees to block the sun. My partner as well as I had to scrub the air filter on the portable AC device only 1 week after the two of us purchased the machine. I woke up in the afternoon as well as the AC device was spitting out moderate air. I turned off the unit as well as turned it back on, but that didn’t repair the problem. I decided to check the air filters as well as I was legitimately surprised when they were covered in dust as well as dirt. I didn’t realize there was that much dust as well as dirt in the indoor air as well as I was a little disgusted by the sight. After I cleaned all of the air filters with moderate soapy water, the AC device finally started putting out freezing air again. It seems like the air filters will need to be cleaned yearly as long as our partner as well as I are living in the desert, however otherwise, the two of us are going to have a lot of unnecessary mangle that could cause troubles.

air conditioning maintenance