The best birthday in winter thanks to the ductless heat pump

My baby’s birthday always falls in the winter.

It is usually super cold so we cannot have the party outside. The parties we have at home always work out. This year, however, we were scared that we could not have the party since the weatherman reported a snowstorm every day of that week. That, coupled with the social distancing orders from the ministry of health, we were skeptical about holding a party. I decided to call some of my son’s friends’ parents so they could confirm if the kids could attend an indoor party complete with adequate heating equipment. Most of them RVPd to the invitation and so that was a sign to start the preparations. I scheduled a furnace/heater tune-up for the ductless heat pump at the house. The heating technicians did a comprehensive heat pump service. The results were that the ductless HVAC was good for use after certain components were replaced. We also needed a new and updated thermostat from the HVAC supplier. We had promised the parents that we would have quality heating at the house and the HVAC professional made sure of that. After working on the electric furnace, the heating contractor gave the unit a clean bill of health. We only had to replenish our supply of filters from the local heating business. The birthday was a success and the kids had so much fun. The parents requested contacts of the homeowner solutions so they would check on their dual fuel system at home. The parents and the children alike had so much fun. Though it was below 0 degrees outside, the house was warm and the indoor quality was top notch.

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