The last job of the day was my ex girlfriend

I ran into my ex-girlfriend last week and things didn’t go very well.

I was scheduled to perform a routine HVAC tune up for a customer. I didn’t recognize the address when I received the job in the morning. If I had realized that the address was my ex-girlfriend, I would have told my boss to send someone else to complete the HVAC tune-up. My ex-girlfriend and I had a very nasty breakup. I was unhappy with the relationship and she thought that we were going to get married. When we broke up, she called me a hundred times and left tons of messages. She was determined to win me back with crazy messages. Eventually, she stopped texting, calling, and leaving messages but it took four months. When we ran into each other last week, it had been about two years since our break up. As soon as I came around the street corner, I knew the neighborhood felt familiar. When I pulled into the driveway, I immediately remembered why everything was familiar. My ex was initially happy to see me when I rang the doorbell. I hoped she wouldn’t be the person who made the call, but it was her. As soon as she saw me, she told me it was fate. She followed me around the house like a puppy. When I was done with the HVAC tune-up, she tried to kiss me. When I protested, she became angry and accused me of leading her on. It’s been very easy to remember why we broke up in the first place.



a/c professional