The new ductless heat pump made working from home a joy

When our supervisor announced that we would be working from home till further notice, I was elated.

This would save a lot of time that would otherwise be used to getting ready and in traffic.

The first day was kind of weird because I was not used to working from my house the whole day. I, however, quickly got used to it. The first week went by without any incident and I was slowly getting into the new routine. On the weekend, I noticed that the quality of heating I had been enjoying had significantly reduced. Though the dual-fuel system was running, the house was not getting warm. I tried to fidget with the thermostat to get the electric furnace to increase the heat but nothing happened. Calls to the heating business and other heating contractors went unanswered since it was the weekend. I settled on working near the fireplace to get some warmth. Come Monday, I was able to schedule a much-needed furnace/heater tune-up. After checking the unit the heating technician established that it had come to the end of its lifespan. The HVAC supplier recommended a ductless HVAC. I opted for the ductless heat pump because of its efficiency and the fact that it requires fewer heat pump service sessions than most heating equipment. After spending the entire Monday working while cuddled up with my blanket, on Tuesday the HVAC professionals came to do the installation. They were very efficient and clean. They even cleaned their working area and tidied things up once they were done with the installation. The homeowner solutions shared some important guidelines for caring for and operating the new unit.
climate control