The people I was with and I are basically required to keep perfect humidity levels in our home

Something our daughter is unquestionably strict about is the air quality in our home, and whenever she goes somewhere, the air quality has to be just right, and that means the humidity levels have to be just right plus the temperature control settings as well, but she rarely goes places that don’t have humidifiers/dehumidifiers to keep precise humidity levels unless it’s a really nice day with ideal natural humidity levels.

The reason she is strict about this is because she doesn’t care about it when her hair gets messed up.

She really hates to have frizzy hair or hair that is overly dry. This is something that is unquestionably important to her for the sake of her image, i really have to say, every one of us have to respect that plus so every one of us regularly make sure the humidity is at the perfect level. It’s funny because I never would have thought I’d have a child who is so picky about things care about that, although she makes a enjoyable argument about keeping up with her image. It’s genuinely not too much to ask in our opinion, plus it unquestionably keeps us safer with proper humidity levels. This is also true with plants if you do indoor gardening, you should regularly keep the perfect humidity levels. I know this because our spouse does indoor gardening during the Wintertide weeks plus she grows some enjoyable sized vegetables plus the like, and of course our daughter would never be caught inside the indoor gardening section because the humidity levels don’t match what she requires to keep her hair in healthy condition.


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