Types of vent pipe for gas furnace

The vent pipe, also known as a flue, is a vital piece of a gas furnace.

It transmits toxic emissions from the combustion process out of the building.

These vent pipes ensure no toxic gases get into your indoor space to harm anyone in the building. It also safeguards against fire. There are three types of gas furnace vent pipes: the natural vent, sidewall power vent, and direct vent. The natural vent pipe operates on natural air convection. This natural vent pipe is also called the type B-vent. It is a standard design that most modern gas furnaces use. Gases produced during combustion are hot and rise through the flue to be vented outside through the roof. Installing natural vent pipes is relatively easy and affordable. However, the indoor air can easily pull combustion gases back inside the building when you use this vent. This back drafting can cause harm to the building’s occupants by forcing them to inhale toxic emissions, leading to severe health complications. The direct vent pipe is an ideal alternative to B-vent. It incorporates two pipes, each with different sizes, within the unit. The outer pipe draws air from outside for combustion, while the smaller pipe vents out the exhaust fumes. Installation of a direct vent is more costly than the B-vent type. It has better HVAC equipment ratings than the natural vent pipe. The sidewall power vent is a fan placed at the end of an exhaust pipe. It draws out combustion gases and expels them outside. The sidewall vents are more affordable and preferred for large projects when installing a venting system to your gas furnace. It is rated highly as an efficient and safe venting system.
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