I can’t imagine life before the air conditioner

In the city where I grew up, the temperature of the environment kept on decreasing from time to time! In those days, numerous of the families had no heating as well as air conditioning method for cooling or heating.

  • Fortunately for us, we had a reliable heating as well as air conditioning method since our father was a heating as well as air conditioning specialist! During the winters, our gas furnace would deliver us warmth, as well as while in the scorching summer, our a/c would keep us cool.

It was actually breathtaking to us. I remember this random day, our father told us that back in the days of his parents, there was no air conditioning system. He told us that humidity was their constant enemy that made summer time actually miserable.They got used to it, however they were always looking forward to fall as well as winter! The home he grew up in had these shady trees around it, as well as it was a 2-story home where most heat went upstairs. They kept all the windows open in the hot weather. The home he was living in sat on a hill where there was almost always a breeze as well; he told us that there was a river a half a mile away from where he as well as his friends would spend a lot of time dipping their bare feet while in the summer, which was a huge relief to them. They spent a lot of time outdoors instead of the boiling home, especially in the night time. They used to watch the stars at night as well as periodically staying around the furnace having fascinating conversations. I don’t think I could have survived while in those archaic days. I thank the person who invented the a/c.


electric furnace