Air conditioning in the home gym

But I have to say that having my own home gym with a ductless heat pump has sure made the working out part a whole lot easier

I can’t explain what a huge difference a year makes. Last January, I made a commitment to myself & my partner that I’d make smarter decisions when it came to my health. I can remember that day as my friend and I were inside the central air conditioner of our home. I wasn’t going to give her a bunch of promises that I knew I couldn’t fulfill. That was a road I had been down all too often so I wasn’t going to make any empty promises. But that entirely first day, I got outside of the central air conditioner & took a walk. It wasn’t a long a single by any measure. Yet the next day, I got out & took another walk. This time, I went just a little bit further than last time. Then, I started making conscious decisions about what food went into my body. No more carona & sandwiches resting in my recliner just soaking up the top quality heating & air for me. Meal by meal, I started to change from processed junk to healthy and natural food. It’s February now & just over a year since I started those initial steps toward making health & wellness a priority. I ended up losing over forty five pounds & am more fit than I’ve been since high school and college. It’s been an amazing transformation & well worth the effort. But I have to say that having my own home gym with a ductless heat pump has sure made the working out part a whole lot easier. I don’t have to deal with a gym whose commercial Heating & Air Conditioning is overwhelmed by a lot of other bodies. I get all the air conditioner I can stand in my own home gym.

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