Air conditioning service did the trick

Hard to imagine that the heat pump is going to get replaced in a month or so.

Early every Springtime I call the Heating and Air Conditioning dealer, and this is when I make arrangements to get the heat pump taken care of.

And the air conditioning tune up prepares our heat pump for the big demand that’s coming. My nice friend and I live in a region where the demand for air conditioning can extend to like nine months or so. But it’s the four months from June through September that are the true test. We had the residential Heating and Air Conditioning installed in this apartment when my buddy and I first bought it. And since the day that Heating and Air Conditioning equipment got installed, it’s been getting consistent and seasonal Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance all the way through. There wasn’t a Fall that went by separate from heating maintenance, even though the heat pump doesn’t get much call for heating during our Winter. And like I said, my buddy and I call for the air conditioning tune up early each Springtime. Well the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier came to do that Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance last week and it turns out that our Heating and Air Conditioning equipment has come to the end of its life. But dang, 21 years out of a mid tier Heating and Air Conditioning equipment is pretty exceptional. And what’s even more bewildering is the fact that my buddy and I went all that time without a single minute of downtime due to a Heating and Air Conditioning breakdown. Truly, that’s a remarkable feat and it’s all due to the fact that my buddy and I constantly made sure we were getting Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance. So it looks as though we’ll be getting a new heat pump and some upgraded Heating and Air Conditioning technology here in a month. We’re meeting with the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier tomorrow to pick out the sort of heating and cooling equipment that my buddy and I prefer.



HVAC zone control