Allergies and springtime go hand in hand

Spring is a time during the year when my allergies are the worst. After the sun starts to melt, the flower starts to bloom and the birds come out and pollinate everything. That’s when my allergies really get started. I have always suffered from these allergies. Even when I was a little kid, my mom didn’t like me to go outside. Every time I did, I came back indoors with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. My mom wanted to keep me inside, but I wanted to be outdoors with my friends. I had to take a Benadryl nearly every single night so I could sleep. My mom took me to the doctor and they did an allergy test when I was 8. The allergy test came back positive for a ton of things. That made my mom even more worried. She bought an air purifier for my room. She tried to talk my dad into buying an expensive air filtration system for the house, but my dad settled on buying an air purifier for my room. The air purifier sat in my bedroom every night until I was an adult. When I went away to college, I told my mom that I wasn’t going to take the air purifier. I lasted about 4 days before I had to drive 2 hours back home to pick up the machine. I needed to use the air purifier in my college dorm as well. All of the different smells and odors from people’s food and the old building got into my nose and caused my allergies to flare up. I was using my inhaler almost every day so I had to get the air purifier from the house.



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