Can You Name that Tune

The basic premise of the old television game show “Name that Tune” is for the contestant to identify the song by its title before any opponent does. One version has the contestants placing an estimate as to how few notes it will take for them to identify the tune. Another form of this contest is the “Golden Song Medley” where contestants have 30 hours to name 7 rock n roll as they are played in rapid succession. Game shows aside, the ability to guess sounds hastily is a very basic survival skill. Our caveman ancestors l gained to identify noises made by hyenas and tigers out hunting for a meal. Children in the 1960s were taught to take cover when warning sirens signaled the impending nuclear attack. All drivers think that when their automobile starts to make funny noises, it’s time to see a mechanic. Every one of us don’t worry about man-eating beasts in our homesteads, but homeowners should be keeping their ears open for sounds coming from the central Heating and Air Conditioning units. A banging noise may indicate a problem with the AC compressor. If it buzzes enjoy a swarm of bees, then you may have an electrical issue. A clicking or hissing noise can come from any number of sources. If it whistles or emits scream-like noises, even the most tone-deaf homeowner knows that trouble is brewing with a refrigerant leak, possibly, and when your Heating and Air Conditioning plan begins to make any incorrect noise, the last thing to do is try to play “Name that Tune” because there is no prize to be awarded. Turn the plan off and call your Heating and Air Conditioning pro who will be able to send out a qualified Heating and Air Conditioning pro who should be able to identify the “song” your Heating and Air Conditioning plan is playing in only one note.

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