Can’t ignore the HVAC equipment

On my way out the door for the commercial HVAC of my office building, I saw the HVAC company van down the street at a neighbor’s house.

Can’t say that I’m shocked to see the HVAC professionals over there again. But I am shocked a bit with the state of that house. We live in a planned community and all the houses on our street were built at roughly the same time. So my house is about as old as his house, give or take a couple of months. Yet, when you look at my house and then look at that neighbor’s house, you’d think it was much older than ours. In fact, they are both just ten years old. What else is ten years old is the HVAC equipment. We have the exact same heating and cooling equipment, my neighbor and I. For real, I checked. When we moved in, one of the first things we did was to call the local HVAC company and join the HVAC service plan. From that point on, our HVAC unit has never missed a heating maintenance service or an air conditioning tune up. Subsequently, we’ve never endured any sort of heating and cooling interruption in that time. My neighbor can’t say the same thing. But then again, he pay virtually no attention whatsoever to the HVAC unit. And man, he runs the heck out of that thing during Spring, Summer and Fall. So no wonder that the same HVAC equipment that we have is coming apart down the street. HVAC equipment is a serious investment to us and we treat it as such. If you ignore the residential HVAC in your home, count on having the HVAC company van in your driveway more often.


Cooling corporation