Day by day cleaning

Both of our pets have medium size hair and they said twice while the two of us were in the year, however the pets shed when it is the Springtime months and then they shed again in the fall.

There is a lot of hair inside of our tiny house, so I have to be certain that the A/C is not affected by the problem… Excessive pet hair can cause a number of troubles with the heating and cooling system.

Pet hair can block the air filter and cause a problem with air flow to the machine. Pet hair can cause mangle to internal machinery and it can cause problems with the electrical toil as well and possibly lead to a fire. Dirty air filters should be cleaned at least once each month… I have a small portable A/C unit. It has an air filter on the side and 2 more greater air filters on the back of the machine. The A/C unit has the capability of being a dehumidifier as well! Because our 2 pets shed frequently, I consistently need to be on top of the maintenance on the portable A/C unit. Each 1 of the air filters needs to be cleaned yearly. I noticed a lot more dirt and pet hair on the filters if I wait 2 weeks and I recognize that causes some problems when I run the portable A/C unit. When the air filters are dirty, I recognize care about the machine runs for a lot longer and it seems to take longer for the portable A/C to get to the right temperature.


Heating and air conditioning products