Doing something odd this year with air conditioner

I know I was the first one on the block to get the air conditioner tune up done already. Waiting around until later in the spring just doesn’t make me feel ready for what’s coming. And I’m talking about the heat. Trying to accurately describe the heat is something that I don’t know I’ve ever been able to fully transfer. I have colleagues who holiday here during the parts of the year that are superb. Yet, I don’t know those folks have any idea just how overwhelming the heat can be down here. I can spot a newbie to our temperature from a mile away. These people are hardly ever seen from late summer through fall. Instead, they go from the commercial Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C of labor to straight inside the cooling of the central air conditioner of home. When October rolls around, I see them outside again. I get it. This arena can indeed be grueling in the Summer. I’m a bit more used to the heat around here. Still, cooling your home can be expensive! This year, I’m going for some air conditioner savings. It’s easy, because I have all the information I need from my HVAC provider. I’ve already started with repairs, because the heat pump is running at peak efficiency. The rest of it is all about making sure that we are helping the heat pump by lessening demand, but keeping a slender seal on the home by replacing the weather stripping is my next step. I’ll also seal up any gaps on the outside of the house. Along with more consistent thermostat discipline, I’m going to save some money this summer.


