Electric blankets vs space heaters

I haven’t busted out my electric blanket in a long time as the weather wasn’t cold enough to warrant using it.

  • But now it is a different level of cold at night and my bedroom is just too darn cold to sleep without heat.

I normally sleep with no heat or even with the window open at night because I just feel too warm. But now we have hit a lower level of cold that we normally don’t see so I am going to have to find a way to keep warm while I sleep. We’ll discuss the two heating devices at our disposal, namely electric blankets and space heaters, which are both used for heating purposes, but there are some key differences between the two. An electric blanket is a blanket with heating elements integrated into it. They are designed to be used as a covering on a bed and typically come in various sizes to fit different beds. They are meant to provide warmth to the entire body, and can be controlled to a desired temperature, making it easy to maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature. On the other hand, space heaters are standalone devices that can be used to heat a room or a specific area. They are portable and come in different designs, including convection heaters, radiant heaters, and fan heaters. Space heaters are more versatile than electric blankets, as they can be moved from room to room and can be used to heat large areas. So the game plan will probably involve a bit of each as we have both of them in the home now.
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