Everything is Fine and That is the Truth

This was a quote I wrote myself when feeling down.

I got into standup comedy almost 20 years ago and it exposes a lot of our deeper thoughts that we might normally not try to think about.

It’s taken me down some dark lonely roads and also to some mountain tops where I’ve felt so alive and on purpose. It hasn’t been an easy path, and a lot of people have called me lazy and unmotivated for not working the typical job, but I have learned a lot about myself and about life from doing standup. The heating maintenance guy who lives near me told me that he wishes he had the guts to do standup because he has a lot of funny stories. It’s sad that a lot of people don’t get to truly express their thoughts to others and die with those thoughts forever trapped in time. I’m grateful for my HVAC service job to keep food on the table but comedy has shown me so much that I owe everything to it and am happy I took the chance and got on stage back in October 2005. I’ve been exploring music recently and am planning on playing music in clubs and bars once I get my act together. My bandmate is an HVAC repairman and the other singer is an HVAC supplier who plays the harmonica. We have a great time practicing and I think once we have a good act we will have a lot of clubs wanting us to perform in their venue. Take the chance, get the gig.
