Extra cleaning services because of Covid19

I own a bar and restaurant that can stay open during the covid-19 pandemic.

Several bars and restaurants are not so lucky.

Many of them will be shut down during this pandemic. Some will never recover and reopen. This viral outbreak is going to change the way we work, live, and play for a long time in the future. I’m lucky to have a restaurant that can stay open, because we can still continue to make money during these tough economic times.in order to stay open, we have to take extra safety precautions. For instance, we had to install an air purifier in the building. We are required to have continuous air filtration in order to remain open right now. We are also required to have a professional cleaning service sanitize and disinfect all surfaces every 72 hours. We decided to have that sanitizing service performed every 48 hours. The janitorial company sprays everything in the building with a disinfectant spray. The germicide kills all viruses and germs including the novel coronavirus. Thankfully, the disinfectant is non toxic and safe to use in businesses like kitchens, bakeries, diners, and restaurants. We won’t be open for indoor dining but every item on our menu is going to be available for takeout or delivery. We even hired extra delivery drivers so we can meet the needs of our customers. Right now, the best thing we can do is work together and be kind to one another. We can also follow universal precautions like washing our hands and wearing a face mask.



Commercial cleaning