Great air conditioning in my office

It’s so great to be a part of the working world once again. And it’s been a long time since I’ve held any sort of position in any company. That’s because when I had kids, I wasn’t about to go back to the commercial HVAC of an office. Initially, that had sort of been the plan. As for me, I thought I’d totally be a working mom. But perhaps my husband saw something in me that I didn’t see. When we decided to get pregnant, my husband suggested that maybe I could be open to not going back to the work. I agreed but I thought that was a crazy thing to think. I’d loved working inside the an office. And life spent all day inside the central air conditioning being a mom was not exactly appealing. Well it wasn’t until it so was. It didn’t take but halfway through my maternity leave to know that I was staying home with my kids. So it’s been a long time coming for me to be working inside good air conditioning again. But this time, I’m not working inside the commercial HVAC of an office. I’m enjoying awesome air conditioning from the ductless heat pump inside my home office. Actually, this space was once the mud room and is now home to my office. However, the ductless heat pump is incredible when it comes to providing the best air conditioning I’ve had in any office I’ve ever worked in. While this job is mostly part time, I love being able to bring my talents to help meet company goals. And I love even more that I’m doing it from the quality heating and air of my own office inside my home.

climate control