Have your HVAC ducts every been properly cleaned

I like to take care of all my stuff.

There is nothing worse than having something break or not work due to neglect.

It’s like throwing out food in the fridge that didn’t get used. I just hate that. So, I tend to be the type of person who likes to stay on top taking care of the house and all our stuff. I haven’t ever really been one of those people who just wants to sit in the HVAC and watch TV. I just get too restless and I like to be doing things. The house cleaning is a natural for me. I actually don’t mind it. Normally, I’ll put on some good tunes and just get into the ritual of cleaning. It’s almost like therapy because I just let things go and my mind is able to focus on the simple task of cleaning. My wife loves that I like to cook and clean. But, she sure jumps in there and picks up a whole lot of other slack in our lives. It wasn’t too long ago that she and I were just sitting back for a minute with a glass of wine after a long day. She suddenly looked at me and asked me whether I had ever cleaned the HVAC ducts. This blew my mind! I hadn’t even considered that the HVAC ducts should be cleaned. But, of course they should! It was so easy to get done. All I did was call our HVAC people and they hooked us up with a company that does only duct cleaning. Now, my air ducts are not only super clean, the crew resealed all the duct joints for me. That should be good for saving some money on the HVAC utility bill.



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