He can't do that heater set up

My dad called me Last weekand he told me that he was having some trouble with the oil furnace.

I told our dad a couple of things that he could try to fix the problem.

I was off toil late that afternoon, however I went to our parents house the following afternoon to see if I could lend a hand with the heating problem. My dad claimed to have fixed the problem, however the house was pretty chilly even though the oil furnace was running. I told our dad that I was going to have a look at the machine. The oil furnace was in rough shape and I told our dad it was time to recognize about a substitutement. I gave our dad an quote for the costs and he said he would call me back. I didn’t hear from our dad for 3 nights. When he finally called, he told me that he bought a oil furnace online. He was going to install the oil furnace on his own, however he was hoping that I would be able to help out. I really do not understand why our dad ordered a oil furnace that he cannot install on his own. I wish he would have just ordered something from the company where I work. It would have been much easier because I would have had all of the parts and supplies that I need for the installation task; Now I have to figure out how to get this toil done and all of the rest of our toil done. I wish our pops would have let me handle things through the oil furnace maintenance service that employs me. I’m sure they would have given him some genre of discount on the new oil furnace.


residential heat and ac