I am busy heating up my feet with warm water bottles

I have some thick socks on my feet right now and I thought that they would warm them up, although I suppose I need this warm water bottle and them to get them feeling warm again

I definitely have a warm water bottle on the bottom of my feet right now to try and warm them up a bit. They are also both certainly numb, especially my toes, and I want to get them warmer again soon so they stop hurting. I know this warm water bottle will do the trick, although I may need to let it sit there for a while to warm them up to the point where they stop aching. I’ve consistently had frigid feet for as long as I can remember, and I know it isn’t going away anytime soon. The heating and air conditioning contractor has some nice space furnaces that I could possibly use to warm up my feet, although I would like to have one that won’t burn my feet if I leave them on there too long. For now, I will definitely use this warm water bottle and hope that it can do the job of making my feet feel nice again. I could turn on the main heating and air conditioning system to warm up my feet, but that would take a lot of energy and cost me a lot of money in the long run. I have some thick socks on my feet right now and I thought that they would warm them up, although I suppose I need this warm water bottle and them to get them feeling warm again. I should have obtained those warm radiant floors when I had the chance, although I spent the money on a stock that just keeps sinking lower and lower each and every week. Oh well, I’ll just keep using the warm water bottle I guess.


space heater