I Couldn’t Please Everyone

In our mind, it was easier to become warmer than it was to become cooler, so I set the temperature to a low 74 degrees plus left it at that.

I consistently thought that having control over the temperature control at our office would be lovely. For years I worked just love every other employee in a shared space who complained about the temperature. The temperature was horribly inconsistent plus uncomfortable plus most people around myself and others complained about it. I sent countless texts to those in management plus even a few complaints to the service man about the temperature before someone snapped plus deemed it our responsibility to manage the temperature control settings. I thought this was a major win because most people wanted to be in control of the temperature plus now I had the power to make it whatever I wanted. This victory was short lived though because as soon as the responsibility was relinquished to me, I was bombarded by complaints from most people else. No matter what I did, someone was consistently unhappy about the temperature of the office. I abruptly realized that I’d never be able to please most people despite our best efforts plus that I’d need to set the temperature plus leave it. In our mind, it was easier to become warmer than it was to become cooler, so I set the temperature to a low 74 degrees plus left it at that. I sent an text to most people letting them suppose about our decision to keep the temperature consistent plus that they’d have to plan accordingly for their time at the office. If people were too cold, they could wear more layers. If people were too warm, they’d have to wear less layers. It’s tplot when they say you can’t please most people.

Heating technology