I didn’t know why the thermostat kept on changing

I didn’t know why the thermostat kept changing back to the previous settings, and it was making me really mad.

I even started yelling at my husband about it because I thought that he was the culprit.

I thought that he was going behind my back and changing everything around after I left for work in the mornings, but that actually turned out to not be the case at all. We actually got into a big fight about the fact that the thermostat settings kept changing. See, we had installed a digital programmable thermostat in our house just the year before so that we could make sure that our indoor air quality was always right on point. We like to have the temperature levels in our house at exactly the right settings all of the time to help cut our heating and cooling costs. Not only that, but having the thermostat settings right where you want them makes certain that you are comfortable in your home all the time. Anyway, my husband and I were very suspicious of each other because the thermostat settings kept changing on us.I thought he was doing it, and he thought I was doing it. Come to find out, we were wrong! Our thermostat was actually running low on batteries and so it was not running the correct schedule because of this. We both felt very sheepish when we learned that this was what had happened. From that moment on, we have made sure to check the batteries in the thermostat whenever we are checking the ones in the smoke detectors.

electric heating system