I made pretty good money helping my mother run her daycare

My mother ran a daycare out of the house because we had plenty of extra room.

The thing is, she took care of a couple of babies, so it always smelled like baby powder and diapers.

When I would get home from school, my mother would ask me to help with things because she was always so busy. Something that was really important to her was keeping up with the HVAC system maintenance. It was absolutely imperative to keep a clean home with good air quality and good temperature control settings. In order for the HVAC to work well, it was necessary to keep up with regular HVAC system maintenance. This is why I was always changing the air filters once per month for my mother because she was always so busy with all these kids. She made a lot of money though taking care of these children, and she would pay me when I would help her out with the kids. She especially was able to use my help when I would be on summer vacation. I still liked to go hang out with my buddies during those times, but a lot of the time I would be at home helping take care of all these kids. It was not easy by any means, but I tried to keep the kids entertained and helped prepare the food. I would also adjust the temperature control settings from time to time to make sure it was comfortable for everybody. It was a crazy time, but I actually made pretty good money just by helping out.

Home comfort business