Kept fighting over fireplace timer

Sometimes I think that my husband and I have no right being together.

To be honest, I don’t think we have any right being with anyone else, either. Both of us are kind of impulsive and reactive human beings. If you’re not aware, this can make relationships extremely difficult. Neither one of us is very skilled in conflict de-escalation or seeing things logically when we’re upset. It turns out, we are both so easily upset that we have been angry at each other for no reason for the past three years. You see, about 3 years ago we decided to install a gas powered fireplace in our living room to cut down on heating costs. Since we spend the majority of our time in the living room, we didn’t need to pay for a central heating system to evenly circulate high quality indoor air throughout the entire house. We just needed to provide warm, heated air in the one area that we were actually occupying. This is when we invested in a small gas powered fireplace which we both absolutely love. The little heating device does an excellent job of regulating our indoor air temperature for a very low cost. However, we were repeatedly getting into fights about the fireplace. It seemed obvious that every time one of us would turn on the heating device, the other party would inevitably turn off the fireplace without asking if that was okay. Over and over again, we ran into the same conflict as we battled over the fireplace utilization. And then… One day we realized that we were wrong. Neither one of us was turning off the fireplace to spite the other human. In fact, the fireplace had a timer option that apparently got turned on years ago… the heating system was turning itself off every 4 hours.


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