Looking forward to remote work this winter

I have to tell you, this is normally my least favorite time of year.

As we head into the long, brutal winter season I begin to struggle with my mental health in a significant way.

Yes, I have seasonal affective disorder and it plagues me for the entire cold season. However, on top of that I struggle with the stress of overcoming horrific snow storms and brutally cold air temperatures. If you have ever lived through a midwest winter, you know that the six months of ice cold air is nothing to sneeze at. For me, the worst part is trying to dig my car out of the driveway when the air temperature is brutally cold. You can’t bring your forced air furnace with you when you have to shovel three feet of snow. Even once you get back inside, your central heating system barely seems to make a difference after you have been frozen through and through. This is why I’m extremely excited for a new work schedule this year. Working remotely this winter means that I don’t have to worry about the ice-cold tundra outside my door each morning. I don’t have to trade my high quality central heating system for unmanaged sub-zero air temperatures at 5 in the morning. In fact, I get to sit in my house in the comfort of my central heating system for as long as I want. Whenever I decide to go dig my car out of the snow, I can work up the internal heat to tackle the ice cold problem. Sitting around at my computer and relying on my central heating system sounds like the most amazing way to spend my winter. For once, I don’t know if my seasonal affective disorder is going to be such a big problem.

electric heater