My charcoal furnace filters aren't made the same way anymore

I hate how a lot of products have changed since inflation.

A lot of companies did two things at the same time.

On the one hand they raise prices, while on the other hand they also lower quality control. A lot of products are made more cheaply than they were before. I wish they could have just raised the price on these products instead of making them with lower quality standards. For instance, I’ve noticed that all of the garbage bags that I used to buy are now a lot thinner than before. This is important for garbage bags because they’re easy to puncture with various items that go in the trash. If I’m already paying for a certain thickness, I don’t want that same box to suddenly get thinner in a week down the road as inflation goes up even higher. My charcoal coded furnace filters also saw a drastic drop in quality. Before the charcoal crystals on the furnace filters were stuck to the surfaces and never came off. They did not become dislodged in the system easily. But now these HVAC and furnace filters are coated in charcoal shed continuously as I use them in my heating and cooling system. They can shed and fall off and get stuck inside of the heat exchanger for instance. I had to call my heating and cooling company to send out a technician to clean out all of the charcoal crystals in my heating system. This procedure was not covered by my manufacturer warranty, so all of the costs were out of pocket to get the furnace cleaned out.

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